This project was the first cross-border cooperative initiative between Germany and Denmark in the field of airborne rescue. Its aim was to establish an economically workable and long-lasting air rescue service in the German-Danish border region. The German-Danish Cross-Border Air Rescue Service is a reliable and fast emergency resource for citizens on both sides of the border. In Denmark this was the first time that an air rescue service of this kind has become available.
The main partners in the project were: on the German side, the DRF Air Rescue and the administrative district Nordfriesland, and on the Danish side, the rescue service operator FALCK and the region Syddanmark (until 2006: administrative district Sønderjyllands amt). In addition there had been other partners from the areas of health services and politics.
Also after the ending of the project the rescue helicopter " Christoph Europa 5" flies and therefore assures a save and fast emergency care for citizen on both sides of the border.
DSN was responsible for the project and financial management as well as for the project communication.