
Pilot study - Benefit of considering spatial issues in sectoral policies on the example of an integrated maritime policy

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Various studies have shown that sectoral policies consider spatial aspects in varying degrees. Some sectoral policies are characterised by a highly spatially differentiated approach (for example, the regional, transport, agriculture, energy and climate policy). Other sectoral policies however regard spatial aspects to a very limited extent (for example, education, research and health policy). In contrast, it appears that sectoral policies can realise their goals more effective if they include spatially differentiated contexts and modes of action.
The aim of the pilot study is to show how sectoral policies can benefit from considering spatial objectives and how they can be implemented more effectively.This will be demonstrated on the example of the integrated maritime policy. The integrated maritime policy is still a relatively ‘young’ spatial policy that is characterised by spatial and cross-sectoral approaches.
In addition to an analysis of relevant primary and secondary literature actors from different sectors of the maritime policy were involved in the preparation of the study. Moreover, relevant projects of the European programmes for a territorial cooperation, especially from the North and Baltic Seas, were brought in.

The results of the pilot study that are briefly shown on the project's website BBSR, were released in a more detailed form in a publication of the Federal Institute for Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development in November 2015.

Fact Sheet

  • Client
  • Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung
  • Tasks DSN
  • Basic research, development of a research data base, workshops, creation of a publication
  • Year
  • 2013 bis 2015
Your Contact Person
Daniel Klose

Tel. +49 431 99 69 66-40

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