Because of the international financial and economic crisis, the maritime economy has suffered heavy losses in growth. After a long-lasting upswing, especially Hamburg is affected as Germany's largest shipping and port location of this collapse. However, the maritime industry remains as a future market with high growth and employment potential, but in long-term there will be a shortage of skilled workers.
For this reason the Ministry of Economy and Labour of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg has commissioned the study "Maritime qualification skills in Hamburg". The aim is to explain, how high is the need of qualitative professionals and which qualifications the maritime industry needs now and in the future.
In summary, the study offers:
DSN identified together with the Institute for Innovation and Technology (IIT, Berlin), in course of this study, the existing competencies in the field of maritime skills, identified potentials and specific courses of action. In addition, they carried out an online survey of maritime training providers and maritime companies in Hamburg.