
Integrated regional health structures: eHealth in the Baltic Sea Region

Ein kleiner Junge formt am Strand einen Kreis aus Seesternen. Im Hintergrund ist das Meer und blauer Himmel.

States and regions are obliged to ensure that health care both in the centers and in rural areas. Despite increasing demand for healthcare services the funding decreases. To ensure the health, eHealth (the application of telecommunications and information technologies in the health sector) becomes more and more important.

Therefore 17 partner organisations from seven countries in the Baltic Sea region had come together to promote the use of e-health in the population.

Objectives of the project were:

  • Use of eHealth applications in order to strengthen the regional development
  • Improve access to health care in urban and rural area
  • Promote transnational exchange of knowledge and resources
  • Create greater acceptance of eHealth services for patients, doctors and further health care professionals.

DSN was charged with the project and financial management as well as project communication. The project's total was 3.27 million euros fundend by the Interreg IIIB programme.

Fact Sheet

  • Client
  • AOK Schleswig-Holstein
  • Tasks DSN
  • Project and financial management, project communication
  • Year
  • 2004 bis 2007
  • Funding programme
  • Interreg IIIB
  • Project budget
  • 3,27 Mio. Euro