
Survey of the qualification offers in the wind power sector in North Germany

Eine Person im Vordergrund mit Warnweste und Schutzhelm nimmt eine Landvermessung vor. Im Hintergrund flache Landschaft und Windkraftanlage.

DSN created in the framework of the project "Technical and scientific training in the field of wind energy - project needs assessment" of the CEwind eG (Competence Centre Wind Energy Schleswig-Holstein), a database that provides a current and systematic overview of the training opportunities in the field of wind power in Northern Germany. The database includes qualification courses of universities, technical colleges, further education institutions, centers of excellence and organisations.

Fact Sheet

  • Client
  • CEwind - Center of Excellence for Windenergy Schleswig-Holstein
  • Tasks DSN
  • Building of a data base
  • Year
  • 2010
Your Contact Person
Ralf Duckert
Ralf Duckert

Tel. +49 431 99 69 66-0

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